A world-class fully residential school with a Malaysian identity
A world-class fully residential school with a Malaysian identity
Kolej Tunku Kurshiah’s mission is to develop holistic individuals who are independent life-long learners by providing a world-class educational environment.
We strive to nurture active and compassionate life-long learners with exceptional leadership qualities and talents.
We aspire to instill in students international mindedness, there by helping them to become responsible members of the international community, whilst preserving local values and traditions.
That everyone of its students can achieve great things given the right environment and support.
That they can be taught the fundamentals of good leadership , gain self confidence and make excellence a life long goal.
That they may find a sisterhood at TKC that will stand the test of time.
We provide the best facilities and the best teachers.
A conducive environment for self awakening and growth , instilling self discipline, self drive , morals and a thirst for knowledge .